Homeowner Claims

A person’s home is one of their most valuable assets. When you purchase homeowner’s insurance, you are doing your best to protect your assets in the event of a catastrophe, such as a fire, flood or other damaging events. There are a few different types of homeowner claims, including:

  • Claims for damage to the property from natural disasters and other catastrophic events 
  • Claims of personal injury, if someone was injured on the property due to the negligence of the homeowner
  • Premises liability claims, in which someone was injured on another person’s property

When filing a homeowners claim, your best bet is to have the assistance of an experienced insurance attorney who can support you throughout the claims process. At Grogan&Souto, we have the expertise you need to receive the payment you are entitled to under your insurance policy.

C0ntact us now to learn about your options. (845) 294-6155.