Estate Tax Planning

Having a sound estate tax plan not only helps you to ensure that your wishes are carried out following your death, but it also protects your loved ones and beneficiaries from having to pay unnecessary and expensive estate taxes on their inheritance. While estate tax planning may seem like the last priority on your estate “to do” list, much of your hard work and assets will be lost to the government if you don’t have a solid estate tax plan thought out before your passing.


Estate taxes are a very real threat to those who have a large estate or significant assets. Your beneficiaries won’t get the full amount of your estate if a large portion of your estate is lost to taxes. With the help of a qualified estate tax attorney, you may be able to minimize the taxes that your estate is subject to, or eliminate them all together.


Grogan & Souto, P.C. have years of experience assisting clients in developing sound estate tax plans to protect their hard earned assets and provide for their family following their death. We will bring our compassion, experience and resources to your case and enable you to create an estate tax plan that allows your family to receive the majority – if not all – of the estate that you worked for.


Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation to discuss your estate and estate taxes. We are available now to assist you. (845) 294-6155.