
Creating a will is by no means a requirement for you to pass from this life into the next. If you do not have a will, the state will assess your assets and distribute them to your family as they see fit. However, many people do not like the idea of leaving the decision of how their valuable possessions and contents of their bank accounts will be distributed to the state. They would much prefer to decide who gets what themselves, and can only do so prior to their passing.


This is where a will comes in. A will names all of your valuable possessions and assets, and allows you to determine who receives what after your passing. A wills and estates attorney typically oversees the execution of a will to ensure it is done according to the deceased’s wishes.


If you have assets or money that you would like to have distributed to your loved ones a certain way following your death, it is essential that you contact a qualified attorney as quickly as possible. Most of us prefer to think our death will occur in the far and distant future, however, it can come for us at any time. You need to be prepared.


Grogan & Souto, P.C. can assist you throughout the process of will creation and can help execute your will following your death. Our goal is to support the best interests of you and your family. Contact us today for a consultation to begin the process of creating a will. (845) 294-6155.